For Palestine

Written by Destiny Bergeron

You must know
This is long overdue
Something was bound to break
For over fifty years
They just did everything within their
unrelentless power
Hiding behind their wall
As the ones they fear
disappear sallowed by Israel’s
Insatisble appetite
for the land of Palestine
Palestine has fed their people
Palestine has been their home
Palestine is where Israel chooses to be
Palestinians have the right to protect themselves and their land
Why is Israel so afraid of the native Palestinians
It reminds me of America and what we did to our natives
Forced to live in assigned areas not allowed to go to school, work, or go outside at night, for some reason they dont receive mail,
no nation in the world
Has more children in jail than Israel
Most of them are Palestinians children
Please know there is a peaceful solution
Israel just has to realize hating the Palestinians is not the answer
Isreal built a great nation
On land that doesn’t belong to them
Just like America did
but its not 17someshit
Its 2023. we are supposed to know this is wrong. I don’t think the Palestinians are unprovoked for decades they have pleaded for a peaceful solution.
I’m so happy the world is finally seeing Palestine
Look into the numbers of Palestinian children jailed or taken away
Look into the Resisters Israeli citizens that are incarcerated for refusing to serve in the Israeli Army
I hope this post doesn’t get me kicked off WordPress
I promise every word is true
Please       keep standing with Palestine let these people know we don’t agree with our governments involvement in the treatment of thier people
Let them know Americans stand for freedom
We will stand for Palestine

Published by Worded Warrior

just a poet trying to write life right

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